Student Leaders
Young Leaders
Student leadership is a priority at Penola High School. Students are encouraged to take on leadership in the school, to take part in decision making and to make a positive contribution to the school environment. There are other opportunities for leadership outside of SRC and House Captains.
Student Representative Council
As part of the process, the SRC provides a line of communication between students, management, staff and parents as well as providing an avenue for ‘student voice’ on matters such as curriculum, pedagogy, advocacy and fundraising.
The school Council meets every three weeks and
aim to have assemblies twice a term. SRC have a
strong voice in decision making and are involved in
Governing Council and its Committees. Class
meetings and assemblies ensure that information
is given and that issues raised are taken to the SRC
Student Representative Council is elected by
students. Each year level group nominate and vote
for their representatives.
Structure of the SRC consists of:
Democratically elected representatives of each year level
Current student projects include:
Assisting the transition from year 7 into year 8 (year 6 into year 7 from 2022)
Fundraising for community events and foundations
Increasing awareness of mental health
Engaging student led activities at lunchtime
Planning and implementing the school formal
Sports equipment ordering and borrowing processes
Developing relationships amongst peers
Encouraging peers to become stronger leaders
Improving confidence within the school community