A Message From The Principal
Steve Carli-Seebohm

Welcome to our website! As Principal of Penola High School I am proud to be leading a dynamic, creative and supportive school that is on a strong improvement journey defined in terms of student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
Our committed staff pursue a vision of high expectations, supporting all students to reach their full potential in a caring and safe environment. Staff plan innovatively to offer student centred learning in the Australian Curriculum 7 – 10 and a broad subject range in the SACE, including Vocational Education opportunities.
Our school motto is: “Nurturing Individual Success", which we embody in our comprehensive pastoral care program and throughout the school life of each student. We believe our motto means everyone striving to achieve their personal best and discovering what they are capable of achieving together.
Our school is a proud public school where students are encouraged to become actively involved in school life, extra-curricular activities and the wider community through our values of tolerance, respect, integrity, commitment and healthy lifestyles. In addition to opportunities to participate fully on the sporting field, Penola High School has achieved high levels of participation and success in Public Speaking and leadership. All students are supported to challenge themselves to grow into positive citizens.
Penola High School has an active and supportive Governing Council and enjoys strong community support.
Please take your time to explore our site to discover what makes Penola High School a unique educational setting. If there are any questions not answered by the website, you are warmly invited to contact the school by email or phone, using our Contacts page.
Penola High School is a fine example of country public schooling – embracing students and their families from all walks of lives and providing a range of relevant educational experiences that engage, grow, develop and nurture individuals into life-long learners